PERFINASA has joined the #DAMOS LA CARA (LET’S FACE THE MUSIC) movement, taking part in the campaign that, under this name, has published several dozen videos which have already accumulated over 10.6 viewings.

In all, 14 Navarra companies are participating in this initiative.

You can see the PERFINASA video by clicking here: https://www.damoslacara.com/perfinasa

DAMOS LA CARA is a grass-roots movement that seeks to highlight employees’ and employers’ commitment to their suppliers, their customers, and to society as a whole. It wants to raise public awareness of the amount of hard work being done by family businesses all over Spain and of how important their contribution is from both the economic and social point of view. It is committed to promoting the spirit of enterprise of the new generations, one of keystones of the recovery of our society.

89% of Spanish businesses are family run.

67% of private employment in Spain is generated by family businesses.

The family business accounts for 57.1% of our country’s GDP.

The average lifespan of family businesses is 33 years, while in non-family businesses the average is 12 years.

Family businesses have proved they are more supportive, stronger and to be those who have made the greatest efforts in crisis periods.