The UPNA (Public University of Navarra) held on January 30 the seminar Entrepreneurship and managerial skills in Family Businesses for students pursuing a degree in Management and Business Administration who have chosen Lectures on Family Businesses as an addition to their studies.

The seminar was divided into three presentations:

Francisco Esparza, owner and manager of the Grupo Unsain and Chairman of Adefan, reviewed his company history, and shared his perspective of entrepreneur-manager in the management of a family business, with special emphasis on the importance keeping family and business apart.

Ana Martínez from Martan, also a businesswoman, focused on innovation management in the family business.

Lastly, Javier Antúnez, Manager at PERFINASA, offered the counterpoint when addressing the particular features of management when professional managers are not company shareholders.

The event featured a question time with the ensuing debate.

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